太平洋在线龙虎斗澳门博彩毛收入_东契奇活命场均得分+篮板+助攻定约消失后最高! 球迷: 给他MVP
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  • 太平洋在线龙虎斗澳门博彩毛收入_东契奇活命场均得分+篮板+助攻定约消失后最高! 球迷: 给他MVP
    发布日期:2024-04-11 14:33    点击次数:180


    北京技巧4月8日,独行侠加时以147-136降服火箭,完成22分大逆转。此役,东契奇21投12中(三分10中4)、罚球9中9,砍下37分9篮板12助攻2盖帽。本场事后,东契奇NBA活命场均28.6分8.7篮板8.3助攻,场均得分+篮板+助攻=45.6,以轻捷的上风跳跃名宿鲍勃-佩蒂特(活命场均26.4分16.2篮板3助攻 分板助=45.6),成为NBA/ABA消失以来(1976年6月18日)活命场均得分+篮板+助攻最高的球员。好意思媒Basketball Forever晒出海报,引来热议,一说念来望望球迷如何褒贬!


    1、张伯伦 57.4 场均30.1分22.9篮板4.4助攻

    2、东契奇 45.6 场均28.6分8.7篮板8.3助攻

    3、鲍勃-佩蒂特 45.6 场均26.4分16.2篮板3助攻

    4、埃尔金-贝勒 45.2 场均27.4分13.5篮板4.3助攻

    5、奥斯卡-罗伯特森 42.7 场均25.7分7.5篮板9.5助攻

    6、恩比德 42.6 场均27.8分11.2篮板3.6助攻

    7、詹姆斯 42 场均27.1分7.5篮板7.4助攻

    8、比尔-拉塞尔 41.8 场均15.1分22.5篮板4.3助攻

    9、乔丹 41.6 场均30.1分6.2篮板5.3助攻

    10、拉里-伯德 40.6 场均24.3分10篮板6.3助攻

    I can understand if you prefer Jokic as your MVP, but to say that Luka doesn’t deserve the award and downright discredit his performance this season is just absurd.

    淌若你更可爱约基奇成为你的 MVP,我不错贯通,但说东契奇不配得这个奖,致使漫骂他本赛季的阐扬,这就太装假了。


    Well they can’t use the team success narrative as an excuse for not giving him his MVP. His team is on pace on winning 50 games this season. So the US media “ESPN clueless commentators” is currently creating another narratives as an excuse propaganda against Luka.

    他们不不错球队得手为借口不给他 MVP,他的球队本赛季有望赢得 50 场比赛。因此,好意思国媒体 "ESPN 无脑褒贬员 "现在正在制造另一种说法,行为反对东契奇的宣传借口。

    His team in 5th seed, leading scorer, better stats than Jokic this season. I think that is enough for him to win the individual performance award - the MVP

    他地点的球队是 5 号种子,他是得分王,本赛季的数据比约基奇更好。我觉得这足以让他赢得个东说念主阐扬奖--MVP

    If you have the ball 37 out of 48 minutes per game you should lead the league. he's been called the most ball dominant player ever.

    淌若你每场比赛 48 分钟内有 37 分钟握球,你就应该在定约中跳跃,他被称为史上控球率最高的球员。

    i dunno how this slow, low jumping, no defense player have dominated this way...


    Luka & joker stat padding and we give them a pass but was calling Westbrook out smh



    This is the only reason the only reason he could win MVP because he's putting up historic numbers but I still wouldn't pick him

    这是他能赢得 MVP 的独一原因,因为他创造了历史性的数据,但我依然不会选他。

    Would be the 2 seed in the east. MVP

    他们在东部是2 号种子,MVP

    And people will still somehow say "Shai" or "Jokic" is MVP


    东说念主们依然会悔怨其妙地说 "亚历山大 "或 "约基奇 "是 MVP。

    If Luka doesnt get the MVP this year we riot

    淌若东契奇本年拿不到 MVP,咱们就暴动。


    Will go down as top 5 best players ever when his career is over


    All that and will never win a title just another younger James harden and Russell Westbrook


    One of the best offensive players in history, A is only 25 years old and still has his best seasons ahead of him

    行为历史上最佳的伏击型球员之一,还唯独 25 岁,他还能打出最佳的赛季。

    Haters will say, “Overrated stat padder” but then realize he is leading a team to possibly 50 wins in a loaded Western Conference.

    黑他的东说念主会说:"高估了,数据刷子",但随后就会刚硬到,他可能正在率领一支球队在西部获得 50 场告捷。


    If luka doesnt get the MVP, we believe that nba like uefa, always give messi ballon dor


    淌若东契奇拿不到 MVP,咱们信服,NBA 和欧足联相同,老是会给梅西颁发金球奖。


    Crazy! Lebrons never had a season like this


    And yet they let record against him even tho the Mavs have been more injured than other MVP candidates teams. Having 5 key teammates with +22 games missed each is tough but Luka kept them afloat by averaging 37p11a9r for over 2 months.

    尽管独行侠的伤病比其他 MVP 候选东说念主地点球队更严重,但他们依然获得了不俗的战绩。5 名关节队友每东说念主缺席 22 场比赛,这是很难受的,但东契奇在两个多月的技巧里场均 37 分 11 助攻9 篮板,让他们屹立不倒。


    比赛时间:2023-6-12   05:00

    Hopefully he can do this in the playoffs they always disappear around this time oh well we shall see



    But when Westbrook did it he was getting slandered tho




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